This section is the repository for a series of ongoing essays and stories that I have found interesting to read and,
on occasion, found time to write. Consider this food for thought or rather rants if you will.
Recent articles:
The Busia Papers
The Coup Drill
The Nigerian Elections, A matter of Confidence
by Elizabeth Ohene
Deputy Editor African Programming, BBC World Service
Reflections on the return to democracy in Nigeria. From a presentation delivered to the Royal Society of Africa
In the Public Eye
by Elizabeth Ohene
Deputy Editor of African Programming, BBC World Service
few thoughts on the difficulties faced by African journalists in their
daily work and some comments on the different attitudes prevalent
in A version of this talk was delivered at the inaugural meeting
of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists in
November 1998 at Harvard University
My World Cup
by Elizabeth Ohene - a 2006 World Cup diary entry
To The Shout Of "Ghana", You Respond "Respect"
by Elizabeth Ohene - a 2006 World Cup diary entry
Firmly On The Map
by Elizabeth Ohene - a 2006 World Cup diary entry
Music Lessons In Nuremburg
by Elizabeth Ohene - a 2006 World Cup diary entry
Some Aspects of Economic Development
by W. Arthur Lewis
A Plagiarism In Plaid
On Ignorance
by Hilaire Belloc
On a Man who was Protected by Another Man by Hilaire Belloc (1907)
French Nuclear Tests in the Sahara by Tawia Adamafio
The Slums of Nima
by Kwesi Brew
Return of No Return by Kwesi Brew
A Goodbye to Arms by Kwesi Brew
The Sea Eats the Land at Home by Kofi Awoonor
Poems by Kwesi Brew
Shared articles