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Glue Layer People

  • Life in the glue layer is about the outside-in. Pipes and filters are your abstraction of choice, you might dream of Markov chains, the calculus of design heuristics and those old standbys, the rules of thumb, as you attempt to put order and infer structure where there was none.

  • Where Mel Brooks' 2000 year-old-man considered Saran Wrap the greatest invention, I suspect for you it's duct tape, spackle and wrenches (or spanners as my Brit-colonized ears would prefer). For you it's all Perl, Python, Ruby, shell scripts, URIs, bookmarklets and the like.

  • As an application designer my perspective has mostly been "inside out" and I've been forever amazed at the serendipitous magic that you glue layer people have been able to do with things I've built. My goal in life is to find a way to encapsulate and codify the design patterns that would make your jobs easier. I need to internalize that style as the best practices in what I develop.

  • We need to help Glue Layer People, they make users passionate about our products, their magic brings cold cash, Fistfuls of Dollars $$$